- 25th July 2019
FER Renewables Decree 1
The "FER 1" Renewables Decree signed by the Minister of Economic Development and Environment (Sources Renewable Energy), containing general procedures and requirements for access to the mechanisms of incentives, aimed at supporting the production of energy from renewable sources.
The implementation of the provision will allow the construction of implants for a total power of about 8,000 MW, with an increase in production from renewable sources of about 12 billion kWh and with activated investments estimated in the order of 10 billion euros. Thanks to the incentives, priority will be given to:
- implants built on closed landfills and on Sites of National Interest for the purpose of reclamation;
- on schools, hospitals and other public buildings for photovoltaic systems whose modules are installed to replace roofing of buildings and rural buildings on which is operated the complete removal of eternity or asbestos;
- hydroelectric implants that comply with the construction characteristics of the Ministerial Decree of 23 June 2016, those fueled by residual gases from purification processes or which provide for the coverage of the digestate tanks;
- all systems connected in "parallel" with the electricity net and with the charging stations of electric cars (provided that the charging power is not less than 15% of the power of the system and that each column has a power of at least 15 kW).
In addition, it changes the method of recognition of the premium on self-consumption changes: for power implants up to 100 kW on buildings, to the share of net production consumed on site is attributed an equal premium of 10 euro for the MWh, cumulative with that for modules containing asbestos to replace roofs. The premium is recognized retrospectively provided that the energy consumed is greater than 40% of the net production. Only hydroelectric implants in possession of certain requirements will be admitted to the incentives that allow the protection of water bodies, and based on an assessment by the ARPA. Photovoltaic systems built in place of asbestos or eternit roofs will have the right, in added to the electricity incentives, at a premium of € 12/ MWh on all energy produced.