- 6th July 2021
Through the Regional Operational Program POR 2014-2020 the Region Umbria continues an inspiring path for the competitiveness of the regional economic production system by strengthening the specialization and innovation of the regional system, the protection and enhancement of territorial and environmental resources and the Sustainable Development. In line with with the "Europe 2020" strategy through thematic objective 4 and specifically with the objective specific 4.1.1 of the POR, some aid tools have been prepared for the investments aimed at energy saving and useful to reductions in climate-altering emissions. With DD 5930 of 17/06/2021 the notice "Support for investments aimed at energy efficiency and the use of energy sources renewable - Notice 2021" has been approved to encourage targeted interventions to the reduction of electrical and thermal consumption through the use of low consumption and high efficiency technologies, and self-production of energy from renewable sources. The announcement is addressed to small, medium and large non-agricultural enterprises. For forwarding of the applications a "counter" procedure has been implemented through which only requests energetically more qualified will be acquired. The procedure for access to funding will be activated according to the order of declared merit index. The compilation of the applications for admission to contributions can be done starting from 10.00: 00 on 20/07/2021 and the sending of applications for admission can start from 10.00: 00 on 27 July 2021. The compilation of the requests can only be made by logging in with SPID at the address https://serviziinrete.regione.umbria.it and the next send through http://trasmissione.bandi.regione.umbria.it till to 28 septembre 2021. The Notice was published in the Ordinary Supplement no. 2 al Official Bulletin general series n. 40 of 30 June 2021.